If your customer’s business and website is profitable, your business is profitable.
This workshop (which we’ve delivered to The Princes Trust, BiP and to our customers), lets you map out with your customer, how they can have a profitable, focused and in demand business model. Both for and behind their website.
We (WordPress builders/designers/businesses) are often seen as internet and website gurus. We’re also asked to fix printers and do social media. However wouldn’t it be awesome if we had a series of tools that let us build better and more profitable businesses for our customers.
Mike wants to give you a step by step process and template for you to be able to sit down and consult with your customer. You could charge for this separately. You could use it as part of your discovery process.
We’ve seen WP businesses take this consultation model and use it to qualify leads. We’ve also seen people use it as part of their sales process.
What you’ll get is a gameplan for your customers to build a profitable website. A blueprint for how you can consult, charge for consultation and build in this process into your design/sales process.